How to Grow Sweet Potatoes Fast and Achieve Big Harvests at Home

Sweet potatoes are not only nutritious but also a delightful addition to any home garden. Their versatility in the kitchen and relative ease of cultivation make them a favorite among gardeners. Here, we’ll guide you through the essential steps to grow sweet potatoes quickly and ensure a bountiful harvest, focusing especially on an innovative top dressing method using compost tea.

Step 1: Choose the Right Sweet Potato Varieties

Start by selecting sweet potato varieties that are well-suited to your climate. Some varieties are designed for shorter growing seasons, while others thrive in longer, warmer seasons.

Step 2: Use Quality Slips

Sweet potatoes are grown from slips, which are sprouts grown from mature sweet potatoes. Ensure these slips are healthy and disease-free for the best start.

Step 3: Ensure Sufficient Sunlight

Sweet potatoes love sunlight. Plant them in a location that gets full sun for at least 6-8 hours per day to encourage robust growth.

Step 4: Prepare Well-Draining Soil

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